It is commonly mistaken that da'wah is JUST a tool for people to propagate extreme ideas of Islam, or a political means for someone to rise up in the ranks of the political world, or threatening someone to leave some inhumane act, or any other reasons that could possibly put you off when you hear that word.
Islam is a message. It is a message given by God to all of His prophets (that includes those before Prophet Muhammad) to be conveyed to humankind. The message is about getting to know God and His way of leading our lives.
This message have to be conveyed, trasmitted, explained, distributed, be known to everyone. That's when Da'wah takes place. We have the Da'ie (Deliver; You & Me!), the message (Islam) and the Mad'u (Receiver). Thus we need some tools to propagate the message efficiently to our Mad'u, hence the need of ACTION in delivering the message.
With Da'wah, comes consciousness.
With Da'wah, comes awareness.
With Da'wah, comes purified hearts and wanting to be obedient with God.
With Da'wah, comes eagerness to follow God's decree and avoiding His wrath.
With Da'wah, comes groups of people who love to expand the message to other nations.
With Da'wah, these groups proliferate immensely worldwide.
If there are someone who are unease with the work of other people in Da'wah, I urge them to join their discussion on THE MESSAGE rather than lamenting on the work that they are doing. Check, comment, argue and debate. I'm sure those in the field of Da'wah are open for discussions.
Friday, January 04, 2008
Misconception of Da'wah
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9:12 AM
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xleh nk komen lak..
Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my site, it is about the CresceNet, I hope you enjoy. The address is . A hug.
setuju-setuju..mmg perlu do the Calling insyaALLAH..
metode juga pelbagai... kepelbagaian adalah satu nikmat dah tanda rahmah Allah.. kerana manusia itu pelbagai sifatnya.. insyaALLAH mari sama-sama raikan kepelbagaian dalam the Calling ini insyaALLAH...
InsyaALLAH matlamatnya nak tebang pokok, selagi ada metode yang xbercanggah dengan sunnah perjuangan Rasulullah, marilah meraikannya.. kan? Bukannya mencacatkan sesama sendiri..kan? Matlamatnya ialah tertegaknya kalimah Tauhid dalam jiwa insan... insyaALLAH..
Matlamatnya nak tebang pokok yang menghalang jalan ini. Takkan la nak bergaduh pulak nak runtuhkan dahan-dahan dulu ke, nak bungkam akar ker, nak kerat kat tengah-tengah ke.. insyaALLAH semuanya bermatlamat sama.. jgn pula dicuri kapak orang lain hanya kerana merasa gergaji lah metode terbaik untuk menebang pokok.
Hayya ya Rijaal..! InsyaALLAH, matlamat kita semuanya sama.. perbezaan itu perlu dirai.. persamaan itu perlu sentiasa dihargai dan diingati.
Salute la blog ni.. sungguh menarik!
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Interesting blog, keep up the Palestinian activism. Our group, Cardiff RESPECT also support the cause:
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