You be the judge!
1. UK Parlimentary Debate
(David Cameron Conservative Leader VS Tony Blair Labour Leader)
1st November 2006
- both reacted in a very civilised manner.
- no usage of vulgar words
- Prime Minister allows the Opposition leader to speak up democratically without degrading him
- They know their stuff! Issues could be discussed thoroughly.
2. Malaysian Parlimentary Debate
(Who VS Who)
- a hall where emotions are put forth, not motions (am I biased? of course!)
- bad example for the younger generation; future leaders.
Monday, May 07, 2007
Posted by
6:57 AM
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it seems that they r not civilised enuff to have one mic each.
having 1 mic for each side is not a bad idea though
having more than 1 mic for each side will be even more disastrous!
if u were to be an MP one day, your voice won't be heard at all (considering the way u speak and how the debate runs ) :D
hehe...thanks for the comment.
i guess i need to brush up those skills from now.
MP?! hmmm....maybe not. would prefer being a multi-billionaire businessman
industri permodelan dan hiburan azad
fitness center, saloon, dan kedai menjual khuf
chenkui... verri nicee
i have nothing to say, but Malaysian MPs are great and do really care for the people. for them, protecting the people with the best possible manner is paramount.. that is why they go to that extent in protecting people..
i wonder if your comment is a cynicism or one truthful, honest appreciation towards our MPs.
I've watched one of the videos in the internet. It's about a few MPs engaging in a debate in Terengganu (if im not mistaken).
MP1: accussed MP2 & his 'friends' for being corrupted leaders, stripping away lands from low-income people, etc etc.
[mode: anger!]
MP2: replied that this should not be the way an MP react in DUN. Such uncivilised act. MP2 claimed that MP1 & his 'friends' chased schoolchildren away, and accused them for being mean towards the younger generation.
you see, there are loads of questions left unanswered. They'd love to jump from a question to another.
I'm not denying that there are also other MPs that are doing good for their people. It's just that the number of unwise MPs seemed to outnumber the good ones.
azad,aku curi video kau utk ketengahkan di blog aku ye.
beres bro
Malaysian MP's suka cakap vulgar words dalam Parliamentary debate...the reason why?
Many intellectual wont say those word in the place which is consider as a sacret in discussing the law before sanctioning it.
Malaysian intel suka find a descent job. Yang nak jadi MP skrg ni majority gila kuasa. Tapi kalau ada yg nak membantu bagus juga but they're the minorities.
Sadis dan menyedihkan...
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