Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri
Eid Mubaarak
Happy Eid Celebration
(kudos to Rafie for producing this wonderful piece of art for me)... to all Muslims, wherever you are!
It is only today that I managed to get hold of my computer after 5 days of fieldtrip at Land's End & 2 full days of celebrating Eid. Works piled up and my email inbox fattened enormously! It was a challenging fieldtrip for me since there was no O2 coverage at the sites I went for my residential outing! Apparently my family had a wonderful Eid celebration back home in Malaysia, which I could tell from my brother's blog post
Anyway, it was a great experience. I learnt more about the local community, socialising with the British, appreciating our differences, and at the same time, share my fasting experiences with them. It was an amazing memorabilia that I realized that a Muslim should not separate themselves in their own coccoon. I am a Malaysian by nationality, a Muslim by religion and a citizen of planet Earth. My point here is that Muslims should not act or feel excluded or excluding themselves from the global community, hence creating a community identified as the Muslim ethnic minority.
Some people might have confused between religious wisdoms and ethnic cultural practices. One who holds the principles of religious wisdoms will share tonnes of positive values of the global community. One who only restricted themselves to their ethnic cultural practices MIGHT get confused if they jump into a community of a new pool of people.
As a response to Mr/Ms Anonymous (I think it's a SHE. I might be wrong) who commented in my previous
post, I thank you for giving a thoughtful comment.I have read a number of Hassan al-Banna's, Syed Qutb's & al-Maududi's writings, and agreed on some of your points. Yet, I have also read other books written by Thomas L Friedman, Dave Pelzer, Tariq Ramadan and a few others. We have to bear in mind that Islam is a religion that contains highly-valued codes of behaviour, conduct and practices. A white British Catholic lady who keeps her promises at all times and takes good care of her children should be praised for having, potraying & practicing positive attitude, which is Islamic. What is not 'SYAR'IE' with that?