Everything seemed to be ok since the night before....
..... until I broke my nose less than 3 minutes in the first game!
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Tragedy at Piala Putera
Posted by azad at 4:35 PM 3 comments
Seting Up a Stall; How-to For Activist!
It was last Thursday that I had my first practical experience as an activist. It's not that bad, to be honest, and quite interesting! Here are some basic tips on how to set up a stall:
- Do request for a permission from your Student Union. If they allow you to do so without notifying them, that's great!
- Borrow a convertible table from your friends in some other active society. They might have them in their storage.
- Choose an appropriate day and time. I reckon that you do it during lunch breaks. You'll get more traffic that way.
- Have all the literatures and freebies ready the day before. Put them aside.
- Find a simple tablecloth to cover, or even decorate, your table.
- Do bring your radio or ipod for background music (entertainment purpose. also quite helpful when you're extremely bored).
- Arrange your stuff in order. Always prepare a bag and a notebook to keep record on any sales made. Put the freebies on the other side to enable flexibility for people to wander around your stall.
- Lastly, put up a smile and start promoting your stuff to them!
Will plan to put up a stall in town some other time before the winter holiday.
Posted by azad at 12:17 AM 6 comments
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Seru kepada ma'ruf & cegah mungkar; Aplikasi konsep dalam kehidupan kita di UK - Penerangan dan Tazkirah
Sahabat-sahabat yang dirahmati, dicintai, dan diredhai Allah,
Assalamualaikum wbt.
Marilah kita bersama-sama mengucapkan rasa syukur kepada Allah SWT, Pencipta kita diatas kurniaNya yang tidak terhingga, serta kasih sayangNya, yang kadang-kadang kita terlupa, bukti kepada kelemahan diri kita yang hanyalah sebagai hambaNya di muka bumi ini.
Saya sekadar nak berkongsi tazkirah buat sahabat-sahabat pada kali ini.
Pertama sekali, saya ucapkan jazakumullahu khairan jazaak, terima kasih yang teramat bagi mereka yang menghadirkan diri ke Student Council malam semalam. Mudah-mudahan sahabat-sahabat sekalian beroleh suatu pengalaman baru dalam menempuhi kehidupan sebagai seorang pelajar di UK.
Isu utama yang dibincangkan sebelum pemilihan dibuat adalah berkenaan dengan 'Governance Review'. Tetapi sebelum saya meneruskan lebih lanjut berkenaan dengan isu tersebut, mungkin lebih molek kalau saya ceritakan dahulu apa itu NUS dan apa hubungkaitnya dengan Students Union universiti kita.
NUS (National Union of Students) adalah suatu organisasi yang menyelaras gerak kerja dan hal ehwal semasa pelajar-pelajar di UK. Para penggerak NUS terdiri daripada 2 kategori; Full-time (biasanya mereka mengambil GAP YEAR) & Part-time (belajar sambil berkhidmat). Setiap tahun, NUS akan mengadakan beberapa siri Student Parliment / NUS National Conference bagi membincangkan perkara-perkara yang dirasakan penting dalam kehidupan pelajar. Mereka yang menghadiri Student Parliment ini adalah perwakilan-perwakilan universiti (NUS Delegate).
Setiap universiti mempunyai kuota untuk menghantar beberapa orang perwakilan ke Student Parliment. Mereka yang dilantik akan membawa pandangan yang dirasakan sesuai mewakili universiti masing-masing. Tetapi ini tak bermakna semua perwakilan perlu mempunyai pandangan yang sama. Mereka mempunyai hak untuk berdiri dengan pandangan tersendiri, walaupun mewakili universiti mereka, kerana mereka dilantik secara demokratik oleh hadirin yang mengundi mereka.
Setiap perwakilan akan pergi diatas kapasiti individu. Walau bagaimanapun, menyedari bahawa setiap individu mempunyai pandangan-pandangan tertentu berdasarkan latar belakang, pengalaman, fahaman dan sebagainya, maka wujudlah badan-badan yang memperjuangkan fahaman-fahaman masing-masing. Antara badan-badan ini ialah:
1. Labour, Conservative, Liberal Democrats (mereka yang berjiwa politik mainstream UK)
2. Union of Jewish Studens, UJS (di universiti dikenali sebagai Jewish Society. Pro-Zionis. Pelajar Yahudi yang anti-Zionis akan didiskriminasi dalam badan ni)
3. Federation of Student Islamic Society, FOSIS (di universiti dikenali sebagai Islamic Society. memperjuangkan dan mempertahankan hak pelajar muslim)
4. Lesbian, Gay, Transexual & Bisexual, LGBT (di universiti - LGBT jugak. memperjuangkan hak mereka yang claim sebagai LGBT sejak lahir)
5. Palestinian Solidarity Group (di universiti - sama. memperjuangkan hak asasi manusia masyarakat Palestin)
dan macam-macam lagi.
Setiap badan merasa bertanggungjawab untuk meramaikan penggerak-penggerak badan masing-masing untuk memperjuangkan hak mereka. Lagi ramai lagi bagus, kalau sikit, hak mereka dipertikaikan, lantas pelajar-pelajar seluruh UK yang mempunyai fahaman yang sama tertindas (cth: Isu niqab di London)
Dalam konteks kita sebagai seorang warganegara Malaysia yang mengambil Islam sebagai cara hidup, saya tekad untuk bersama-sama memperjuangkan:
- isu-isu keadilan sejagat (demokrasi, hak belajar masyarakat palestin dll.)
- isu-isu hak pelajar Islam di UK.
Sesetengah masyarakat Muslim di sini (local) ada mengeluh:
"Kita masuk benda-benda ni buat apa, tak mendekatkan diri dengan Allah langsung dlm NUS"
"Bukannya ada kuliah-kuliah rohani yang menyucikan diri pun kalau jadi Delegate"
Pada pendapat saya, dan saya yakin anda juga berpendapat bahawa:
Kita cintakan Allah dan Rasul, dan agama Islam. Dan orang yang hebat adalah orang yang dekat hatinya kepada Allah. Pada saya, orang yang lebih hebat adalah orang yang mampu untuk mempertahankan hak masyarakat keseluruhannya untuk bersama-sama merapatkan diri kepada Allah.
Sebab itu Allah SWT ada berfirman dalam sepotong ayat yang bermaksud "dan hendaklah segolongan dikalangan kamu membawa kepada kebaikan, menyeru/menggalakkan kepada yang baik/ma'ruf dan mencegah/menentang perkara-perkara yang mungkar...(sampai akhir ayat)"
Selain daripada mengambil peluang untuk memaksimakan kehidupan kita sebagai pelajar di UK, marilah kita bersama-sama berdoa semoga kita diberikan taufiq dan hidayah untuk terus bersemangat menyucikan hati, menimba ilmu, mengajak kepada yang baik, mencegah perkara-perkara mungkar, memperjuang hak-hak kita.
Terima kasih dan syabas kerana berjaya membaca sehingga ke ayat ini! Terima kasih juga kerana mengundi, kerana undian anda adalah tanda anda prihatin kepada masalah ummah!
Moga kita meraih keredhaan dan cinta Allah SWT.
wassalam wbt.
Posted by azad at 12:19 PM 10 comments
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Elected as NUS Delegate
I am now officially an NUS Delegate of Cardiff University for the NUS Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) in Leicester, Tuesday 4th December 2007.
The main issue for the EGM is on the NUS governance review. I won't talk much about this for now, will keep it later, God-willing.
It was my first time competing head-to-head with the other 8 candidates for only 5 vacancies. I have no experience in delivering political speech in public before, and I have no idea what I was actually doing just now!
But I was prepared, and I was well informed of the issue. I attended the 'Fight for Palestine Student Conference' on the 3rd and 4th of November, and joined the FOSIS National Conference the week after. I believe that the contents of these 2 events were sufficient for me.
...and they were!
I would like to thank those who came, those who voted me, and those whom had sent their prayers for me. (To be able to get the most vote in a Student Council is an honour, and I thank God and everyone for this).
I might not be able to do wonders in the EGM, but the least I could do is to represent your views. Feel free to contact me to discuss on the democracy of the NUS. I'll fight for the best interest of the Union, and I believe that it is of the best interest of the NUS to stay democratic. I'll be there to defend this stand.
Posted by azad at 10:41 PM 2 comments
Monday, November 19, 2007
FOSIS & Palestinian Solidarity work
2 friends from Dublin came last weekend to attend the FOSIS Conference and Workshop in Cardiff. I participated in the discussion as well, but only on Sunday. I will be offering some help to FOSIS, but not as intense as what I did in my first year here.
I took them to an event in which Bro Dawud Wharnsby and Idris Phillip performed. It was a simple, yet amazing performance!I will be distributing flyers on Free Palestine this Thursday, 11am - 12pm, in front of the Student Union. 3 of us from the society will be collecting signatures for a petition to urge responsible organisations to take some action and stop the bloody Israeli occupation in Palestine.
Posted by azad at 8:12 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Life As An Activist (?!!)
It's been an exhausting experience so far. I'm terribly occupied almost everyday, with academic lectures in mornings and afternoons, and society meetings at nights. Here's how my weekly schedule looks like...
- Monday - Cardiff Labour Students
- Tuesday - Model United Nations of Cardiff University
- Wednesday - Arabic Language class
- Thursday - Palestinian Solidarity Society
- Friday - Weekly Halaqa for Malaysian Brothers
Posted by azad at 10:02 PM 1 comments
Friday, November 09, 2007
International rights group: Let Malaysians rally
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An international human rights group has called on Malaysian police to allow a public rally organised by the Coalition for Clean and Fair Elections (Bersih) tomorrow. “The grounds for refusing the rally are nonsense,” said Brad Adams, Asia director of New York-based Human Rights Watch. “If Malaysia wants to count itself a democracy, it can begin by upholding constitutional guarantees of free speech and assembly. The way the system works now, only the ruling coalition can get its messages out.” Kuala Lumpur chief police officer Zulhasnan Najib Baharuddin has yesterday warned the public that they risk arrest, fines and jail if they participate in the Bersih rally. Offenders would be facing the possibility of a fine of between RM2,000 and RM10,000 and up to a one-year jail term. Any public gathering of more than five persons without a police permit is considered illegal. It has been reported that the police plan to deploy some 4,000 officers and all buses and cars coming in from outside Kuala Lumpur will be checked. In addition, roadblocks will be in place at key entry points thus sealing off the rally venue, Dataran Merdeka. PM claimed to be a reformer “Organizers of the Bersih rally only want to create a level-playing field for all in the coming elections, yet they are being denied the basic right of expressing their concerns in a peaceful demonstration,” said Adams. He lamented that while Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi has claimed to be a reformer, “but when it comes to holding onto power, he and his Umno party make one set of rules for themselves and another for everyone else”. Last year, the police made an unprecedented move by granting several permits, including groups that did not even apply for one, to hold demonstrations in conjunction with US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice’s visit. Among the biggest demonstrations was one organised by Umno Youth and held near Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre where Rice was attending a function. Bersih - a coalition of 70 non-governmental organisations and opposition political parties - has asked the government to implement a series of reforms to address widespread election irregularities. On Wednesday, the police rejected Bersih’s application for a permit to assemble in Dataran Merdeka in downtown Kuala Lumpur to march to the national palace about two kilometres away to deliver a memorandum to the king. The grounds given for the denial include that Bersih was not a registered body, that City Hall had not approved use of the square, that there was to be another function at the venue, that the march would inconvenience drivers, and that the march could affect public order. Letter of appeal The organisers, in a letter of appeal sent to the police yesterday, have disputed each of these points. It said although Bersih was not a registered organisation, the participating groups were registered. The organisers have also argued that Dataran Merdeka would be cleared in time for the subsequent event, and said that they chose the long Deepavali holiday to inconvenience as few drivers as possible. To address public safety concerns, Bersih has asked participants to refrain from carrying anything that could compromise the organisers’ peaceful intent and have assured the police that 600 volunteers would be on hand to ensure a non-violent and safe event. “The government should not be afraid to allow Malaysians to raise very basic issues about the fundamental right to vote...,” said Adams. “What is a democracy without public rallies by all involved, including civil society and opposition parties?” Elections in Malaysia have been characterised by vote buying, the use of government resources by the ruling parties, and wholesale gerrymandering by an allegedly bias Election Commission. Bersih has, among others, asked that indelible ink be used to prevent voters from casting more than one vote, removal of alleged phantom voters from the electoral rolls, elimination of the widespread use of postal ballots, and access to state-controlled media by all political parties. To date, the Election Commission has only agreed to using indelible ink. |
Posted by azad at 8:55 AM 2 comments
Monday, November 05, 2007
Downing Street
I was in the Cardiff Student Labour weekly group discussion a few hours back. We discussed mainly on our t-shirts & hoodies & upcoming events. Those which caught my attention were:
- Welsh Labour Student Assembly, Cardiff
- Visit to no.10 Downing Street (!!)
Posted by azad at 11:54 PM 3 comments