I was invited to attend a Walimah in Darul Isra' mosque yesterday. There was also one today.
Loads of people attended yesterday's event, but fewer people were in the mosque today. My 'tok sheikh' invited me to sing a nasheed together with him, and i agreed. He suggested "Tolaa'al badru 'alaina....", i thought i have no problem singing that song, hence i agreed. In the middle of the song, i somehow forgot the lyrics, so "hentam bedal sajelaaa!!"
Huhu~ i forgot that the people whom are listening to our nasheed are ARABS!
How embarrasing.....ahhh...selamba! huhu....i enjoyed it, and had a good laugh with my sheikh when we had dinner together.
My friends,
This is what i was told on how the muslims here get married (the Arab way)
-3 stages; 1)Nikaah 2)Walimah 3)Al-'Urus (note that they have Walimah & Urus separately, unlike us and our culture)
-Groom pays for the dowry, nikaah & walimah
-Bride pays for Al-'Urus
-Nikaah: signing the marriage agreement. The couple is officially wed, and they are allowed to go out together during the day, but the husband must send the wife back to her family before nightfall
-Walimah: announcing the local community that the couple is getting married. Normally held on the day of the nikaah
-Al-'Urus: a few months after the Nikaah. This is the time where the husband officially take the wife to his own house and they can then live together.
-I asked my sheikh, and he said that the average dowry for an Arab girl, muslimaat, now is about £3000 (Tiga ribu pounds sahaja!), and that excludes the walimah & al-'urus
So guys, up for the challenge?
p/s: at least the Imaam there prayed for those who are still single to get married soon! huhu.... (Ameen?!)
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Walimah in the UK?!!
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9:27 PM
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3000pound ...byk doe... uhh
maskawen £3000 tu stended san... kalau anak pak arab yg bisnesman lagi la, antara £5k to £10k.
tapi toksheikh bahasa arab aku kata, not necessarily. dia org syria, kawen ngan zaujah die org syria gak. n sebab family zaujah die cam faham, rilek je, takyah kasik bnyk2, kasik bende2 asas pun jadik cam quran. mmg syukur ooo. tu yg aku suke toksheikh aku tu...
same2 la doa ye urusan kite n kengkawan kite nanti dipermudahkan...huhu
ouh.. 3000pound tuuu.. Kalau convert ngan duet msia.. mak datok!!! huhuh.
eh..ko STAR 9802 ea.. haha ;)
salam faizal,
£3000, kalau convert duit m'sia (utk mudah, xRM7), ada la dalam RM21,000.
Persiapkanlah diri. Tambahkan ilmu agama, biologi, kehidupan, kebapaan, kedatukan, kesuamian (yg romantik!!) dan tidak lupe juge, wang ringgit utk menyara hidup anak bini.
Ini sekadar pendapat seorg lelaki. Janganlah dikau mengharapkan ribuan ringgit dari kami. Terus terang cakap, duit scholarship kami simpan, kerja extra hours, simpan duit tu sume, selain beli brg gitu gini n travel, adalah utk savings buat duit kawen & settle down time balik m'sia nanti. Ber'agak'lah sekiranya ingin dilamar, kerana kami lelaki bukannya berharta. baru nak start hidup bahagia, poket dah habes...hutang kliling pinggang. Sejuk2kanlah hati mak ayah, mohon usah dinaikkan sangat jumlah hantaran & cukuplah walimah yg sederhana
begini, kalau benar seorg perempuan itu faham erti hantaran, tidaklah dia menyusahkan mana2 lelaki.. kerana hantaran itu bukanlah harga dri seorg wanita (sesungguhnya harga diri lbh dr itu) tetapi sekadar tanda penerimaan kepada suami.. tu sahaja..
Rasulullah pernah berkata,
"kahwini lah wanita yg baik pekertinya dan mudah hantarannya.." maksudnya tak menyusahkan pihak lelaki smpi kena bergolok gadai..
dr mintak hantaran byk2, kan bagus duit tu belanja buat haji sesama..
yg terjadi kes hantaran melampau2 tu sbb masyarakat yg melabelkan harga perempuan terletak pd hantaran.. klu hantaran murah2, ada pulak yg bukak fitnah 'dh terlanjur tu..'.. tu la silapnya masyarakat kita..
senang cerita, sape2 yg baca komen ni, kawin nnt rahsia2 sudah hantaran tu.. org ramai tak perlu tahu, kerna mulut manusia susah nk ditutup..
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