MSSCF's Appreciation Day 2006/2007
5th May 2007
Spice Route Restaurant, Cardiff Bay, Cardiff
5th May 2007
Spice Route Restaurant, Cardiff Bay, Cardiff
Standing behind (from left): Naseer (Sports Sec), Lipsing (Soc. Sec), Wansah (Soc. Sec), Minven (Webmaster), Yunsin (PR Officer), Faruq (Welfare), Ayub (1st Yr Rep)
Not in Picture: Din (Event Org.), Alice (Event Org.), Vivien (1st Yr Rep), Wilson (1st Yr Rep)
Many thanks for everyone in the committee, especially my 'orang-orang kuat' (you know who you are) for helping me out throughout the year, together, during the ups & downs. Apologees for my wrongdoings. All the best in life!
God bless. See you around!
Esok AGM UMNO Wales
who are ur "orang-orang kuat"??
aku tak kuat.. jd mesti im not in.. haha..
kenyang makan azad? takkan melayu hilang dr cardiff.. hehe
ingat hadith nabi sue, apa pesan nabi tentang siapa yg 'kuat'.
makanan extremely excellent! cant imagine that we could get all those food for gbp7 something per head!
yg penting aku suka makan nasi, and aku suka pakai tangan. hehe
iyye saya tahu hadith itu!
physically maybe im not.. tp sy tidaklah tergolek tdk sedarkan diri walaupun tidur pukul 7 pagi.. heheh..
iyyee gambar anda yg ditangkap excellent.. boleh jadi MODEL iklan "makan nasik dgn tgn.." blh mintak tunjuk ajar dgn wansah.
yap gbp7.60 and mknn sgt baaaaanyaakkk.. ahli kelab kuat makan gembira juga.. hehe..
we never realise something until it's gone.. dat is very true..and now i know im gonna miss working with u guys, excellent committee 06/07. sentimental~
aku suke committee this year.
aku gado
kau gado
yg lain2 pun gado
tapi chill je. last2 be professional. soal personal tolak tepi
(does this correspond to Anwar VS Najib Ijok's issue? think!)
semua ada kepala sendiri. tapi boleh cooperate.
super chill doe...
bergaye ketua umno bahagian nilai 4 r
ketua umno cawangan or bahagian apa klas bro.
jadi PM trus
Putera & Puteri UMNO?
UMNO terus mara, untuk rakyat Malaysia?!
biarkan, biarkan Si Luncai..
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