Thursday, October 19, 2006

A good (great?!) leader

It has been days now since i last updated this blog. i had actually composed something few days back, but those stacks of paragraphs & lenghty lines were washed away when my computer acquired some problems, unexpectedly....oh well.....sigh

got this from someone....

The Big Difference.. ...

The boss drives his men
The leader inspires them

The boss depends on authority
The leader depend on goodwill

The boss evokes fear
The leader radiates love

The boss says "I"
The leader says "We"

The boss shows who is wrong
The leader shows what is wrong

The boss know knows how it is done
The leader knows how to do it

The boss demands respect
The leader commands respect

So be a leader
Not a boss....

-love for god-


ihsan_huhu said...

agood ledder? a goat leader?

Zacharias said...

well, korang ni, harap je amek business studies time kat banting..

leader can be boss, boss can also be leader. ada masanya, one has to behave differently etc. tengok jenis orang gak.

kalau itulah definisi leader, there are times kita tak perlu pun jadi leader. contohnya, kalau ko keje bos penjara, ko tak peduli pun orang respek kat ko. yg penting, orang ikut peraturan etc. you dont have to be a 'leader'.

of course, in ideal world, nampak cam cantik je. but ada juga orang yg suka take advantage etc. in the end, bukan senang nak puaskan hati semua orang.

konklusi: jadi datuk K, tak peduli pun orang suka ke tak suka dia kawin dengan siti, dia tetap kawin. sebab dia 'leader' of the family

azad said...

sori bos, aku idealist!

ihsan_huhu said...

tuh r ko azad.. terpengaruh dgn budaye kuning...haha
pn nur hasnah musti kecewe dgn ko...hoho

azad said...

huhu....nanti aku post bende baru....

bos, aku pi meeting UKEC smalam.
WMFirdaus is reelected to be the chairman of UKEC (again) for this term 06/07.

aku dgn suke2 nye passed on 3 motions, actually saje je nak test pawer....tengok2, motion laku...huhu...alhamdulillah