Friday, October 06, 2006

Welfare work...

I was thinking about this many days ago.

Sometimes we just didnt realise that there are other people out there who have not even tasted a delicious, 3-course meal in their entire life. Yet, most of us here always complain on the food that we get, even when it's given to us without any charge! (iftar in the mosque during Ramadhan)

Was thinking of organising several activities
-Sponsoring an orphan programme (islamic relief, human appeal international)
-setting up and editorial group for a monthly bulletin (to be distributed to the people here in Cardiff).
-giving away free food to the needies in town (idea given by Nydd Dydd..thanks)
-forming a nasheed team, might be useful to light up any event organised locally
-learn to raise funds from Islamic Relief.
-joining charity work organised by the local mosque

Planning to lay out a good foundation towards the local community here.
Any suggestions, comments, supports & views are needed badly.

Many thanks.


Anonymous said...

-Sponsoring an orphan programme (islamic relief, human appeal international): do it, amek extra berkat ramadhan

-setting up and editorial group for a monthly bulletin (to be distributed to the people here in Cardiff). buat jgn tak buat

-giving away free food to the needies in town (idea given by Nydd Dydd..thanks): what we did in bristol, iftar yg banyak lebih tu, pack elok2 n distribute. ada charity organisation yg leh tolong wat benda ni kalau kita organise. for example, pret deal dgn one organisation bagi semua sandwich dia away everyday

-forming a nasheed team, might be useful to light up any event organised locally: kalau wansah ada, sora sedap. kalau ko je azad, baik takyah.. keskes

-learn to raise funds from Islamic Relief. belajar aa.. suggestion: auction

-joining charity work organised by the local mosque: lagi jgn tinggal

paling penting: jgn lupa tanggungjawab belajar kita gak.. :)

kadang2, kita semangat, nanti burn out. tiba2 rasa malas giler. biarlah maintain je. slow n steady

ihsan_huhu said...

wah2... tiada cadangan...
i 2nd all the subjects...
azad layan mawi... suro mawi wat concert kat millenium stadium r... hahaha

azad said...

waaa....zaki, thanks for your view. mmg perlukan sgt2. thanks.

Anonymous said...

hang tak abeh2 cuba membodek aku ka? by the way, mawi tengah nyanyi lagu omputih live kat tv

azad said...

woih, hoho....mane de aku dok bodek2 ko, takde khojo...baek aku bodek tok imam Darul Isra'...huhu..mana tau kot ade rezki...teeheee

MAWI WORLD! sapot mawi weh. huhu..