Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Read, in the name of ....

It is generally known, although there might be no evidence on this as far as i am concern, that Malaysians read less than the average British. Books here (UK) can be bought at a very cheap price, from 20p! In Malaysia, people tend to save money and spend it on something else, eg. collectible items. It is indeed not wrong to do so, however, I personally believe that one could gain a lot, in terms of knowledge, tranquility, fulifilment & self-satisfaction, from reading as compared to other leisure activities.

Internet has also serve as a good medium to transmit information from a party to another.

Facts of the world today are created by actions & opinions by the people of yesterday.
Some of their views & thoughts might be invaluable, some rubbish. Nevertheless, it's worth reading as I find it to be intellectually fulfilling.

I have added several links to some of the 'top guns' in Malaysia. Have a look, enjoy reading!


ihsan_huhu said...

kl org xske membace???

azad said...

kalo tak suke, buatla keje2 berpekdah yg len...