Well, generally there are 2 main societies in Cardiff & 1 self-proclaim society.
The Malaysian Students Society of Cardiff (MSSCF)
Kelab UMNO Wales
and the other society which claimed to be a society, in which it's actually a one-man show...
Kelab MCA Wales (sorry, no link...sebab tak wujud pun this kelab officially dibawah any portfolio MCA kat Malaysia.
Issues that have always been the case with these 3 clubs every year are:
1. Welcoming new students
2. Money
Alhamdulillah & Istighfar be to Allah, the students community here has given me the trust to take the responsibility as the VP of MSSCF. MSSCF has been, i would say, a better society management-wise as compared to the previous years. Why? because we have many (read: many, not all) dedicated committee members. and thank God, we have successfully organised several events already.
UMNO Wales is not too bad as well. Unfortunately, I, on a personal level, dislike them in certain way. However, that does not mean that i cannot work with them. Many reasons, but i do not wish to discuss it here.....it's self-understood whenever u see that 4-letter word. At times, they can be quite sensible and friendly....well, i guess they are interestingly unpredictable..
MCA Wales? rubbish, and being run by a joker. Enough said.
Also, it seems to me that some of the people involved in these socities do things for their own self-interest. Not much because of the betterment of the community. They lack love & passion for the welfare of the people here.
I still feel that striving for the best for the community through giving, sharing and welfare work is better than doing things for one's self-interest. However, i've heard this statement from a respected person, and i quote "There's no friend, there's no foe, there's just interest!"
Thinking of establishing a small group dedicated for welfare work. any takers? hehe....
that's all for today..tara~
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
What's going on in Cardiff?
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8:40 AM
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aku sapot MISSA hahaha... sbb matshah pres...hoho
huhu...kalo aku kat edeled pun aku sapot MISSA gak...
mujur kat sini ada membe2 yg best, cam dlm gambaq kat title tu....ofa, wansah, anep...depa mmg sapotif...terharu...huhu
ops, tlupe nak mention gak, Din (squatting, 1st from left...budak taylors dulu) & Faruq (takde dlm gambaq) gak...depa sume cam adik bradik aku dah....rona n shidi housemates yg best, slalu paham aku yg dok menghilang sana sini uruskan mende2 kat tempat2 yg besepah...huhu...trimas2 smua...barakallahu fiikum
cubaan azad utk membodek rakan2 sekardif.. no friend no foe, just interest huh?
sembang dgn wswj haritu sebelum balik..
cuba bagitau, apa benda yg orang buat bukan utk self interest. leh kata semua benda utk self interest. i mean, susah gak utk kata. mari kita fikir. orang sedekah, tolong orang, supaya dia selamat di akhirat, masuk syurga senang, self interest.
camner pulak dgn atheist yg tak percaya akhirat, tapi buat baik banyak2. apa dia punya agenda plak yer?
ko wat keje2 tu, utk ape? bukankah utk self interest gak. tolong community, utk kebaikan. ko dapat pahala, masuk syurga. pun self interest. ko tak cegah maksiat, ko ko skali masuk neraka. again, self interest.
maka, bermulalah debate yg panjang lebar.
p/s:persoalan ilmu ikhlas.
aku agree yg bila aku published this post, this 'self-interest' kinda thing akan jadi satu topic which can be debated, n it'll go on & on & on.....n memang aku mengharapkan a response from you. thanks.
probably aku guna that particular word terlalu general, as in, everything can be related to self-interest, be it from a religious, welfare, political, oneself, community point of views.
agreed. no comment on that.
tapi d msg that i want to convey is related to the things which people act for one's benefit, which compensates other's welfare. ethical , welfare, moral issues play a big role here.
kalo aku buat baik, of coz nak dapat rahmat Allah, coz nak masuk syurge, definitely my own self-interest. at the same time, bende yg Allah suke, definitely & undeniably morally & ethically correct. hence it's included in the other category which i didnt mean to say in this post.
tapi kalo aku buat something yg cam baik, tapi utk femes, jadi power (hoho...), probably downgrading & underestimating the others, that's the issue that concerns me.
huhu....just a humble opinion from me.
adekah self-interest dlm konteks ini dlm bentuk material dan duniawi? atau ilmu iklas itu termasuk signboard surau al ikhlas?
hehehe... mengerti dan memahami.... kok nya dibaca si pres mca nih, perang la dlm cardiff.. well, gud job on the nasyid just now.. not bad walopon takle lawan suara wansah.. hehee
huhu.....kalo die nak bace, bace la, he's more than welcome to read my view. this is my blog, n it's entirely up to me untuk tulis apa2...huhu
sorg setiausaha UMNO cawangan mana tah, bandar tun razak ke, dipecat oleh MT, smata2 dikatakan mengutuk UMNO kat blog sndri...
haih....kalo bersuara open takboleh, tulis buku pun kene chop, berblog pun kene pangkah....apa nak jadik laaa gomen kite nih....this is indeed pathetic, killing others sebab takut lain naik...
huhu...btw, thanks 'S' for your comment...suara tu...hoho, wansah mmg undeniably pawer...kami yang lain2 ni tangguk je...hehe
ala, kalau nak perang pon ok jugak.. at least dia realize the so-called his proclaim society tu yg dia syg tu..eh... ok ja.. suara wansah mmg takde sapa boleh lawan.. at first igt terpaksa balik kehujanan,siap ready bawak payung lagi.. :D tp alhamdulillah, cuaca tenang mlm itu.. (conclusion: suara korg not bad)
go on ber-blogging azad!! i sapot u!! hihi..
wei, sora wansah power ke? aku tau dia baca quran sure sedap, pasal muka dia cam ust ishak.
hmm, self interest yg menjurus ke neraka... pelik, because if one is really paying attention to one's self interest, tentunya dia akan melihat keuntungan abadi.
memandangkan pembaca blog ni adult2 belaka, mari saya bagi satu contoh:
1) ada orang kerja keras, kumpul duit, sedekah etc.. eventually utk 'tido' dgn bidadari (perempuan cun dlm syurga).
2) ada orang kerja keras, kumpul duit, berbelanja utk 'tido' dengan perempuan cun2 dlm dunia.
kalau kita tgk contoh di sini, dua2 punya matlamat yg sama. mungkin contoh 1 kena spend lagi banyak dari contoh 2. tapi ganjaran contoh 1 adalah berpanjangan, tanpa side-effect.
contoh 2, kena spend gak, tapi kesan dia hanya kekal 3-4 minit. aku tak tau aa. the point is ada side-effect. masuk neraka, std etc
point di sini:
kadang2 orang memburu matlamat yg sama, utk self-interest, tapi ada yg mendatangkan side-effect yg tak dikehendaki, ada yg tidak ada side-effect yg tak dikehendaki.
kenapa still ramai yg pilih option 2 dari 1?
sebab tak percaya? sebab tak nampak depan mata? sebab tak terbayang yg outcome1 boleh dicapai?
well, sekali lagi.. bila bercakap self-interest ni, aku nampak ada gak yg go beyond that.
1) nabi s.a.w berdakwah, itu wajib (self interest) sebab dia nabi. tapi dia sayangkan umat dia, hatta nak meninggal pun dia risau. this goes beyond the self-interest tadi. sebab tak wajib pun atas dia utk sayangkan umat dia (pendapat aku). tapi dia sayang.
2) statesman yang berjuang, bebaskan negara. self-interest dia utk hidup bebas. tapi kenapa dia plan satu scheme supaya negara dia kekal maju 2 ratus tahun dari sekarang? padahal, dia tentu dah mati bila sampai zaman tu? kenapa dia berusaha buat plan supaya empire dia terus kekal beribu tahun? (can be muslim or non-muslim). ni satu tindakan yg aku nampak sort of goes beyond the self-interest boundary..
humble opinion of mine
hehe, there u go...
agreed completely!
sorry aa bos, asal aku tulis je jadi panjang
ehh zacharias
sorry aku lambat reply kat mesej ko ni. aku bole debate panjang pasal so-called self-interest tu. first sekali ko kena cakap apa definition self-interest ko tu.
aku nak jatuh lubang ni dulu dgr orang cakap pasal ni, tapi bila aku pk balik, b4 org mention bende2 macam ni, better clarify apa definition dia untuk self-interest.only then we can discuss
betul gak.....orait, pasni aku be more careful on the things i wrote.
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