Sunday, January 07, 2007


It was about 5 hours ago when i reached the last page of this book:

THE MAN WHO FOUND TIME; James Hutton & The Discovery Of The Earth's Antiquity
by Jack Repcheck
Perseus Publishing, Cambridge

Enthralled! It gave me a clearer idea on:
-how the Scottish Enlightenment started
-what made the Europeans so paranoid of the church
-why people went to Pubs & Bars in those days
-the relationship between James Hutton (doctor-turned-farmer-turned-geologist) & Joseph Black (great chemist who isolated CO2), James Watt (ingenious steam engineer), David Hume (social philosopher), Adam Smith (economist) & Charles Darwin (mathematician-turned-natural philosopher-turned-biologist)
-etc etc....

I think i know more about Scotland now than Wales! God-willing, i'll make a geological fieldtrip there sometime in March. Off to my next book, also an academic novel, entitled:

THE SEASHELL ON THE MOUNTAINTOP; A Story Of Science, Sainthood, & The Humble Genius Who Discovered A New History Of The Earth
by Alan Cutler
Arrow Books, Berkshire

What about you?


ihsan_huhu said...

aku... mcm bese r..lalala...

azad said...

macam biasa??!


Anonymous said...

aku luar biasa

azad said...

biasa = tabi'i

luar tabi'i?

Anonymous said...

-why people went to Pubs & Bars in those days

why? cite sket secara ringkas

azad said...

Eropah melalui perubahan zaman yg drastik selepas lahirnya pemikir2 yg mencabar 'kerajaan ilmu' gereja. Cthnye, dlm bible kata, bumi dicipta 6 hari. Lepas tu, bnyk manusia cuba mengkaji umur bumi kita, sampailah James Ussher (Irish) seorg paderi muncul dgn teori bhw bumi ni diciptakan pada petang October 23, 4004BC !! Siapa2 yg mengeluarkan teori diluar tafsiran Bible, HUKUM!! Buktinye - Galileo & lain2.

Maka bnyklah org yg terus membuat kajian dgn super kritikal dari pagi hingga ke lewat petang. Dari aspek ekonomi kpd fizik kpd sejarah kpd geologi kpd sosiologi. Mereka mengembara & collect data disiang hari, & berbincang dgn colleagues di malam hari.

Satu persatu 'Club' & 'Union' ditubuhkan, mengikut minat kumpulan2 tertentu (cthnye....kelab pengumpul setem ke, kelab menjahit ke)dan yg masuk tu pun bukan calang2 orang! kena jadi 'member'.

lbey kurg macam tu lah alkisahnye

azad said...
